Recognition of foreign non-university qualifications in Spain

If you want to have your secondary education, upper secondary education or professional training qualifications officially recognised in Spain, you will need to follow some formalities. You can apply for the recognition (homologación y convalidación) of your qualification as equivalent to those in Spain by addressing to the Ministry of Education, Professional Training and Sports (non-university qualifications).

They will ask you to submit some documents that must be translated into Spanish. Here you can see the main documents required to start the recognition process:

Compulsory documents:
  • Proof of payment of the corresponding fee
  • Certified copy of ID document
  • Certified copy of the qualification certificate/diploma (or the document authorising its issue)
  • Sworn translation into Spanish of the qualification certificate/diploma
  • Certified copy of the qualification transcript. It should include the duration of the programme in academic years, the courses completed and the credits and marks obtained
  • Sworn translation into Spanish of the qualification transcript

Optional documents:
  • Internship/Practicum certificate stating the professional/work experience gained
  • Certificate stating that the qualification meets the terms of Council Directive 2005/36/EC

All these documents must be authenticated by the corresponding authorities. If your copies are not certified, you can submit your documents to the following authorities so that they can be certified according to the Spanish legislation:
  • Registry of the Ministry of Education and Professional Training
  • Government delegates and subdelegates' offices
  • Spanish embassies and consulates
  • Notaries' offices 

How can I apply for this recognition?

Your online application can be submitted via the website of the Ministry of Education and Professional Training. The application is only available in Spanish.

Processing time:
6-12 months